Laura MacLean promo Images

I recently had the pleasure of Photographing singer songwriter Laura Maclean for some new Pres shots we did a series of looks and multiple Locations . The Location in this post is top Secret but I am going to share with you my favorite shots ,Laura was fantastic especially because she let me try out all of my crazy Ideas . This was only the Beginning of our collaboration we are already working on pre-production for Laura’s Next album cover that will be shot in the fall .

Laura’s Next Concert will be in L A at Genghis Cohen 740 N. Fairfax Ave. Thursday, July 15 8:00 – 8:30 p.m.
After working with producers and musicians from New York to New Zealand, Laura MacLean, a New York indie singer-songwriter, has released her debut CD. “If The Shoe Fits Wear It Out” is exactly what she did during the process of this album. With a strong female demographic, MacLean’s songs speak to women, around the world, ages 14 and up. “I’ve lived a little- I’ve traveled the world and met a lot of people”, MacLean states. “My life experiences and the lessons I’ve learned from them are all what I write about. I guess it speaks to a lot of people and I’m glad my listeners relate to my songs. Life is not all warm and rosy. It’s about choices, learning, love and pain- and all these things a result of one-another, funny enough.” MacLean hopes that her music can be a positive influence to her listeners.