Capta Event with Koy Lab

Hello everybody my name is Dylan Inacio and I am Joao Carlos new intern! I recently had the pleasure of going with Joao and the Koy team to the Capta photo event. CAPTA is an event dedicated to the theme of Family Photography and its main objective is to provide the sharing of experiences. This event was two days of amazing speakers and companies coming together to display what’s new in the world of photography.


Koy Lab had a booth displaying many photo albums, prints and more. There also had many camera companies like Fuji there displaying their many cameras. Don’t tell Joao but also thank you to Sony for letting me use many lenses to capture these photos and videos for you all!

 Joao was also on stage speaking about Koy Lab and the products that help him with his business. Just to name a few speakers that were there, Ricardo Dionísio from the podcast “Conversas de Cafē, Alexandre Monteiro who deciphers human emotion and Marisa Martins that does documental photography.

I would also like to thank the CEO of Koy Lab Pedro Reigoto for allowing me to come to this event.

Overall the event was very informative with its diverse speakers and companies there to teach us on the latests that’s happening in the world of family Photography.

If you are interested in seeing more click the link here to see the video I created of the event!