” Hasselblad Masters of Photography” Exhibition in Hong Kong , Copenhagen, New York and London.

” Hasselblad Masters of Photography” Exhibition in Hong Kong , Copenhagen, New York and London.

I am so excited ,this was a huge surprise. I figured that only if you were one of the 10 final winners , your work would have the chance to tour . So when I received the email with dates for the show and all the info , I was super excited “happy Dance “.

Hasselblad Masters on Tour
A special exhibition that will tour one image from each of the finalists’ submissions to specially selected venues in Hong Kong, Copenhagen, New York and London.
This will enable photo enthusiasts to see all of these fantastic images up close and in full, glorious high-print quality.

For all of you who can’t make it in person, here is you chance to have a look and vote for your favorite Images .
ViewVote if you enjoy here:


Every event place will have a special program and VIP opening, please see the dates and venues below.

Hong Kong
Cornwall House, Taikog Place, 979 Kings Road, Island East.
August 21-31, 2009.

The DASK Gallery (www.daskgallery.com)
Flæsketorvet 24, 1711 Copenhagen V
August 28 – September 12, 2009.

New York
MILK Studio
450 W. 15th Street
October 22, 2009 (during PhotoPlus Expo)

primo in December.

Photo from my submissions to the Hasselblad Master’s Competition.