NEW WORK – Sport Advertising Inspired

It is extremely  important to take images of things , people , places or any subject matter or style  as long as it inspires you and you truly enjoy shooting them  , I am constantly shooting for my self and for the sole purpose of updating my book , over the summer I  reorganized and updated my website , witch is a constant,  after going over my work. I  discovered  that over the passed year I  had  collaborated  with an increasingly  number of  professional athletes so many that I have edited a entire section on my website called SPORT , however I also had the urge to make more images of this nature , I posted some behind the scenes shots in a past post ,  and today I finally  have the final images ready for sharing .

Here’s a selection of those images shot on location in beautiful Portugal, not only did I want to create some new style images I also love collaborating with my wonderful muse Katy @ Sandra Reynolds. We do everything from location scouting, to wardrobe styling together and it makes it so much easier when the process is truly collaborative. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did creating them , I also have to just give a big thanks to Katy who never seems to get tired of working with me , and to Gina Hernandez my retoucher who also had her hand in the outcome of the final shots below .

For the  gear heads, this is what I used to create the shots above .
Tripod: Eddie from Three Legged Thing
Scrimjim: Westcott
Camera Strap: BlackRapid
Bag: Kata
CF Cards: Sandisk Extreme Pro
Camera Canon  Mark II with assorted lenses  17-35 , 50 1.2 and 70 -200 2.8
Model: Katy @ Sandra Reynolds
Post – Gina Hernandez 
Assistant : Ines Subtil