Since this will be my last post of 2010 and I will be announcing some great new and exciting projects for 2011, I figured that this would be appropriate subject matter. But before I continue with my scheduled post, I would just like to wish all my blog readers an amazing and creative 2011 with all the love and light your hearts and camera shutters can handle. May you all stay creative and I hope to see you here in the new year. I also hope that a lot more of you will comment and share your opinions on the blog or ask questions or suggest subject matter for The Daily Dose. And now back to our scheduled programming…
I stumbled across some very old Photography Annuals from 1971 & 1968 and although I love the photography in them, what really caught my attention and made me want to post were the camera related advertising in the annuals. I also love the cover of the 1971 annual and I even discovered an advert for my first medium format camera, the Peticon Six, in that issue. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Happy New Year & Feliz Ano Novo.